“Heather is a trusted partner on the Board of Education. She is prepared, engaged, and has the courage to make hard decisions that put the best interest of AUSD students and families first. It has been a pleasure to me to have her as a colleague. This district needs her leadership for another four years to continue the progress we are making in AUSD.”

— Jennifer Williams, AUSD Board President*

Elected Leaders Endorsing Heather

Jenn Williams • AUSD School Board President*

Gary Lym • AUSD School Board Vice President*

Ryan LaLonde • AUSD School Board Clerk*

Margie Sherratt • AUSD School Board Trustee*

Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft• Mayor, City of Alameda*

Malia Vella • Alameda City Council Member & former CDE Deputy Superintendent *

Tracy Jensen • Alameda City Council Member*

Lena Tam • Alameda County Supervisor, District 3*

Jesse Arreguin • Mayor, City of Berkeley*

Alysse Castro • Alameda County Office of Education Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Ardella Dailey • Former AUSD School Board Trustee*

Vinny Camarillo Former AUSD Student School Board Member*

Ken Berrick • Trustee & Past-President of the Alameda County Board of Education*

William “Bill” Schaff • Former Alameda School Board member & Board member for The Academy of Alameda *

John Knox White • Former Alameda City Vice Mayor and Council Member*

Jim Oddie • Former Alameda City Council Member*

Ron Mooney • Former Alameda School Board President*

Mike McMahon • Former Alameda School Board Member*

Anne McKereghan Former AUSD School Board Trustee*

Amber Childress • Former Trustee, Alameda County Board of Education & Vice Chair, Black Elected Officials*

“Heather has actively contributed to the board from day one. She is smart, hardworking and engaged in the community. Her background in special education and childhood development has served the AUSD board well.

- John Knox White
Former Alameda City Council Vice Mayor*

AUSD has benefited so tremendously from Heather’s leadership on the board. Students, teachers, and all of the residents of Alameda are fortunate to be represented by a thoughtful, experienced advocate like Heather. Thank you, Heather, for continuing to commit yourself to supporting and improving Alameda public schools!”

- Tracy Jensen
Alameda City Council Member*

As a former AUSD Board member and current Board member of The Academy of Alameda public charter school, I know the great challenges that lay ahead for our schools. I take great pride moving thoughtful public education forward in the community. That is why I wholeheartedly endorse Heather Little for Alameda School Board. She has the experience, patience and tenacity to continue making fair and logical decisions on the AUSD Board."

- William “Bill” Schaff

“Heather’s heart shows her deep commitment to our next generations. She understands the hard work that is needed for equitable education and that it is not just a slogan. She sees the raw truth the the pandemic has laid out that while we think we have been addressing the equity issue over the past decades, its been nowhere near enough. Her ability to listen and work for deep understanding shows her genuine desire to work toward real solutions.”

- Ron Mooney
Former Alameda School Board President*

Appointed Leaders Endorsing Heather

Gerald Bryant Social Service Human Relations Board Member*

Sarah Olaes • AUSD Bond Oversight Committee*

Eugene Lee • Former OFCY, Planning and Oversight Committee - District 10 Representative*

Doug Biggs • Former Social Services and Human Relations Board Member & Executive Director, Alameda Point Collaborative*

Bryan Schwartz • Former Chair, Alameda Open Government Commission*

David Burton • Former Planning Board Member*

Dan Wood • Former Delegate to the CA Democratic Party, Former VP of City of Alameda Democratic Club

John Piziali • Former Planning Board Member*

“Heather Little understands all of Alameda's school communities, from east to west. She is committed to doing right by students, teachers, and families. With rough seas on the horizon, I trust Heather to navigate with heart. We need her experience on the school board!”

- Gaylon Parsons
Community Learning Center Schools Board President*

“Heather Little has proven herself to be a bold leader in the community willing to take on tough issues. I continue to trust her on the board to do the research, listen to the community, and make decisions that are in the best interests of every child’s future. As a parent of kids who graduated from AUSD, she gets it.”

- David Burton
Former Planning Board Member*

“I have known Heather for almost 20 years and I can say unequivocally that her commitment to children and families is unwavering. Heather operates from a position of integrity and always strives for equity and accountability. It is my pleasure to endorse her and offer my full support for her candidacy.”

- Katherine Schwartz
Executive Director, Alameda Family Services*

"We are so fortunate to have a dedicated and experienced public official like Heather devoting her energies to our community. Having served with Heather on the Alameda Open Government Commission, I can say she works hard, takes a balanced approach, and gets it right!"

- Bryan Schwartz
Former Open Government Commissioner*

“ I have been honored to work with Heather on a variety of initiatives to move our city towards a more inclusive and welcoming community. It is my honor to endorse her again.”

- Doug Biggs
Executive Director, Alameda Point Collaborative*

“Heather works tirelessly to do the right thing by our students, teachers and staff!  She stands up for what is right and won’t shy away from the hard decisions.  Alameda is blessed to have her looking our for our most previous assets - our children!”

- Sarah Olaes
AUSD Bond Oversight Committee*

"As a former educator who worked closely with a school board for eleven years, I strongly endorse Heather Little for a position on the Alameda Unified School District's Board of Education - especially as she has already proven to be an effective member. Heather Little's professional background that includes working for the FIRST 5 Association of California and Alameda Family Services provides her with a foundation of knowledge on issues that directly impact schools and children. In addition to having a direct base of knowledge specific to district budgeting, which is one of the most critical roles of a board member, she has a keen sense of the educational priorities that drive high, equitable student outcomes. Additionally, Heather Little has shown herself to be an effective board member, as she is child-centered and has high expectations for her fellow Board members, the Superintendent, and AUSD's district-wide system of education. I whole-heartingly support her re-election to AUSD's Board, as she will only become that much more effective if elected to a second term."

- Matt Huxley
School and Leadership Consultant, Former Executive Director of Academy of Alameda, Former Amelia Earhart Elementary School Principal*

Organizations Endorsing Heather Little

“Heather Little works doggedly for the betterment of our schools. She is willig to make and stand by the hard decisions that are sometimes required in her role. I wholeheartedly endorse her campaign.”

— Fred Kohler

“Alameda is lucky to have Heather Little working hard for our schools. Her two kids graduated from our school district but she continues to tirelessly advocate for the kids attending public schools in our community.”

— Natalie Olsen

“I was so grateful to hear that Heather is running again. During the time she's been on the school board, I have seen positive changes at the schools my children are attending and real results that benefit the schools and our wonderful community. Heather is the kind of person you want because she is tenacious as well as sympathetic. I will definitely be voting for her this upcoming election.”

— Joe Snell

“For the past four years, Heather Little has been a champion for our students and educators as a member of the AUSD School Board. Her dedication to improving our schools’ infrastructure and ensuring competitive teacher compensation has had a real impact o our children’s learning environment.”

— Michelle Fennell

“Heather may have a little name, but you get big results with her!”

— Anthony Kopersky

“Having watched Heather work tirelessly for the last four years as a AUSD school board trustee, I can personally attest to her dedication to this position. Heather will always put the interests of students and staff first and will ensure that this district remains a strong and well-appreciated part of this community.”

— Mark Little

Community Support for Heather

Ron Parodi • AUSD teacher* Mark, Olive, and Finn Little

Christopher Seiwald • President of Little Opera House, Inc.* Vicki Sedlack • Alameda Education Foundation Executive Director*

Bill Sonneman • Former President of Alameda Education Foundation Karen Kenney Former Executive Director of Girls Inc of the Island City

Fred, Emma, and Sam Kohler Anne Kohler • Former Girls Inc. Island City Board Member*

Tina Kreitz Roberta Kreitz

Albert Tan Encinal High School PTSA President* Anne MacPherson Rogers

Katherine Schwartz • Executive Director, Alameda Family Services* Jennifer Knox White

Mike Stevens Ashley Rogers

Laura Gamble Zac Bowling • DSSC Delegate, Community Advocate, Alameda Peeps*

Gretchen Hoff Varner • Past President, Edison PTA and PTAC; Chair, Yes On E James and Shay Murray

Dr. Christine Chilcott Barbara Mooney • Owner, Daisy’s Mercantile*

Debbie Gunning Jamie Grabert

Kevin Gunning Alex Gunning

Linda Felts • Girls Inc. Island City Board Member* John Felts

Diane Cunningham Rizzo Cara Cavanaugh

Dustin Brantley • AUSD Teacher* Tanya Harris AUSD Director of Elementary Education*

John L. Lipp Amy, Chris, and Ben Garcia

Sandy Russell • Owner, Fireside Lounge* Anthony Koperski • Owner, Window Panda

Matt Huxley • Former AoA ED, Former Earhart Elem Principal* Marie Huxley

Willie Nguyen Jen Nguyen

Kelly Lux Page Tomblin

Kristin Welch Kent, Natalie, Max, and Alexis Olsen

Kathleen Kelly Gaylon Parsons • Community Learning Center Schools Board President*

Sandy Hobson • Former Girls Inc. Island City Board Member* Alison Green • PLAN! Alameda*

Deb Arbuckle Shannon Nicholson

Faiza Flores Rafael Acevedo

Lisa Knittel Jason Biggs

Michelle Fennell Sissy Wood

Alex Spehr Kate Quick

Casey Kaufman Kristin Welch

Melissa Kincaid Joseph Savage

Clint Primley Megan Cavalli

Tracy Becker Merilee Piziali

Dr. Dave and Jennifer Watt Sandy Russell • Fireside Owner*

David Channer President and CEO of A Better Way* Kate Rome

Elizabeth Tran Wong ASpEd Co-Chair, PTAC ASpEd Chair* Chris Muir

Jennifer Laird Emily Pabarcus • Encinal High School Teacher*

Linda Pirlot Joe Snell

* denotes an organization name for identification purposes only