Heather Little


As an early childhood advocate and former special education teacher with a deep appreciation for the relevance of mental health, I understand how important it is that children of all backgrounds and abilities are supported to thrive. Over the last 3.5 years, I have brought meaningful and collaborative problem-solving skills to board discussions, have been a thought partner to district leadership and my partners on the board, and have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the critical decision-making processes that are resulting in impactful change in our district.

As the parent of two young adults who recently graduated from Alameda schools, I am devoted to public education and passionate about continuing to build a district of equity, inclusion, excellence, and innovation. I deeply appreciate that the public educational system is meant to holistically support and address the needs of our students, families, and staff… but the reality is that this system is imperfect, underfunded, and complicated. So, before making decisions that come before the board, I have found it best practice to determine who will benefit, who will be left out, and who will be harmed if this proposal passes.

I have spent more than a decade in local politics, volunteering, and civic engagement. My background in mental health, early childhood, and special education has served me well during my first term on the Board. While serving, I have held the roles of Board Vice President for two years, Board President for one year, chaired the Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families, the City/School Subcommittee, the Wellness Committee, and held the role of de facto AUSD representative to the Alameda Chamber of Commerce for two years. These roles have allowed me to hone and balance my leadership skills with compassion and realistic expectations.


“I am honored that in 2020 the people of Alameda elected me to serve as an AUSD Board of Education Trustee. I am excited to continue my service, ready for the challenging discussions and decisions ahead, and will listen to stakeholders every step of the way.

— Heather Little